Find a Student

There are several ways to find students using the iPad app. When you are viewing lists of students from a Program, Stake, or Ward page, tap a student's name in the list to view his or her information. For this example we'll search for a student.

  1. At the top right corner of the dashboard or the Program, Stake, or Ward page, tap the Search icon.
  1. Tap the Filter with list, and select Student. Notice that you can also search for a program, stake, or ward.
  1. Type the student's first or last name, and tap the Search icon.

Note: If you are not sure how to spell the student’s name, put an asterisk (*) before or after your entry. For example, if you are looking for Johnson but do not know if the name is spelled with an o or an e, you could type Johns and an asterisk (Johns*). This will display all names that start with Johns.

  1. From the results displayed, tap the student's name. You can now view information about the student. To track communication activities, use the options under Activities or Notes.


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